Arredativo Design Magazine

Jumpthegap Roca International Design Contest 2017

Jumpthegap is an International Design Contest promoted by Roca since 2004 with the collaboration of BCD Barcelona Design Centre that is looking for new, innovative and sustainable concepts for the bathroom space.

This seventh jumpthegap, aimed at creative people who think towards the future whilst designing today, is a very special edition as it coincides with Roca’s 100th Anniversary celebration (1917-2017).



We understand the innovation concept as the anticipation of users’ new desires and needs, as well as (why not?) the transformation of dreams and desires into reality.

Sustainability is one of the most important principles to take into account when innovating in the bathroom space. In the era we are living, we have to grantee products oriented to the saving of water, energy and resources.

Jumpthegap offers the opportunity to young designers or architects and design or architecture students to create and design innovative sustainable solutions for the bathroom and related products. This is the evidence that Roca is betting for the support of the new generations of designers and architects.


More than 50% of the products that we will use in 10 years have not yet been manufactured, much less designed. So what will they be like?

A large part of those products incorporate concepts and technologies that we may not even be able to imagine today… or maybe we can. Jumpthegap starts from the assumption that young creative people design today whilst thinking about tomorrow; a tomorrow when the limitations of today will not apply and when new needs, architecture, technologies and products will emerge which will help us to improve people’s lives by bringing them more well-being, hygiene and comfort.

These are designs that can bring forth their vision of conceptually innovative bathroom products and solutions: new products, new spaces and/or new uses and functions.

Inspiration Insights

We do not really know how will truly be the future of the design for the bathroom space, but there are a number of undeniable drivers that will shape the society of the next future. We would like to transmit them with the intention to serve as inspiration to develop your projects:


The so-called ‘Eco products’ must be better in every sense. We see that even that the environmental concern of the consumers is growing; they will only adopt sustainable practices if they receive direct, visible and measurable benefits. Being sustainable must be convenient: it must require little or no effort, and it must be very clear what the impact of every action is. Being sustainable must be profitable: it must make the consumer to save resources (i.e.: money) and it must be measurable.


Bathrooms designed for dependent people have to facilitate the execution of routine tasks. The user should be able to perform them without additional knowledge and/or special skills in order to minimize the time spent on non-pleasant activities. New products must create the perception of safety and should delay the moment when external help is required to perform the bathroom basic activities. An appealing design and simplicity of the interface should make all special features look desirable.


The bathroom experience is a very personal moment and, ideally, the bathroom should therefore be your private one. If it is not possible, it should at least welcome you in a cosy atmosphere, warm and comfortable. Homing doesn’t necessarily have to be deployed in the high-end products only, but also in the mainstream segment.


The raise of hyper-emotional consumption brings along the need to live new surprising multisensory experiences. The value of objects decrease and the increasing value of time itself make the consumers search for emotionally intense experiences that may impact on their different senses.


Technology will be welcome in the bathroom in the same way that it is welcome in other rooms, as far as it:

  • Strengthens the feeling of “having things done for you” and makes your life simpler.
  • Minimizes the time spent in non-pleasant activities (like cleaning).
  • Leaves the bathroom ready for the next user with the minimum effort.

Smart products that eliminate the routine actions like switching on devices, setting up working conditions, opening and closing lids, etc. Intelligent products that understand what you expect from them and react accordingly.



The contest is open to young applicants from every country in the world and has two categories:

  • Professional category: designers or architects born from 1 January 1982 onwards.
  • Student category: design or architecture students born from 1 January 1982 onwards.

Entries may be individual or from a group of two professionals or two students. Mixed groups are not accepted.

Each person or group may participate in one project only.

Judges, their families, their studios or design teams may not compete. The same applies to members of pre-selection committee.


Registration for the contest is free of charge and available from 26 September 2016 on the Internet ( and can be accessed through the registration page.

All participants must submit their application to take part in the contest by 12:00 hours (GMT+1) on 15 March 2017.

Important note: When two people submit a group entry, both group members must complete the registration form displayed on the screen.

By registering for the contest, participants confirm that they accept these rules.

Any incomplete or incorrect information or any registration application that does not fulfill the required conditions will be considered as null and void.

Presentation of project

Important note: Projects must be absolutely anonymous: they cannot contain any names or personal details about the author/s, as all this information has been already provided through the registration. All the texts included in the project must be written in English.

The competing project must be submitted in:

  • One pdf file, containing not more than 2xA3 size pages.
  • The maximum size of the pdf file will be 1.5MB.
  • The first page must include the title of the project, a text with the description of the project, and the main images.

Submission date

The projects must be submitted to the contest website by 12:00 hours (GMT+2) on 19 April 2017.

Independent moderator

An independent moderator has been appointed to act amongst the organizer, the jury and the entrants. For any question, please contact Ms. Cristina Castaño –